Cultivated in the hills of Lake Trasimeno. With a characteristic flavor and easy to cook, they have an external film that remains non-existent.
- Chickpea Soup with Rosemary -
Soak the chickpeas overnight. Brown in the oil in an earthenware pan; celery; coarsely shredded carrot and onion and rosemary leaves. Finally add the drained chickpeas. Add salt and pepper to taste. and let it flavor. Cover with 3 liters of hot water and bring to the boil until the chickpeas are well cooked (about 2 hours). Pass the soup through a sieve and put it back on the heat until it boils again. Serve hot accompanied by toasted croutons. Season with a drizzle of raw oil.

Ingredients for 6 people
500 g. of chickpeas,
1 big onion,
1 carrot,
1 stick of celery,
sprigs of rosemary,
5 tablespoons of olive oil,
salt, pepper as required,
toasted crusty bread.
- Chickpea Cassatine -
Boil and sift the chickpeas, put the puree in a bowl and add the honey, the sugar, the chopped kernels, the grated peel of half a lemon, the vanillin, the liqueur and the chopped almonds. Mix everything; Thinly flatten the shortcrust pastry and cut out many discs of about 7 cm in diameter. Place a spoonful of folded chickpea filling in the center and close the disc by moistening the edges. Arrange the cassatine obtained on a previously buttered baking sheet and cook at 180 for 20/25 minutes. When cooked, sprinkle with icing sugar.
250 g. of chickpeas,
80 g. of honey,
120 g. of granulated sugar,
1/2 sachet of vanilla 1 pinch of ground cinnamon,
2 tablespoons of chopped walnut kernels,
1 tablespoon of liqueur,
100 g. of ground almonds,
1 lemon,
1 pack of shortcrust pastry,
1 knob of butter,
vanilla powdered sugar.